Being mindful

It is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States.

We celebrate the day with food and family and friends…food!

We speak of all we are thankful for and most of us have much to be thankful for.

Recently, I read an article about being mindful of the food we eat. The writer talked of her own thoughts while stirring honey into her tea… of being mindful of the bees who made the honey, the people who gathered it and the entire chain of distribution that brought that honey to her home.

It is a bit Zen, a bit 60’s…, but I tried it. As I sat to eat, I thought about the plants and animals that contributed to my food. I thought of all of the people who contributed to getting the food to the store. I brought to mind all the things I know about what it takes to get the simplest of food to my table. It is an interesting exercise and for me, it was calming and peaceful and ultimately filled me with gratitude and compassion.

The thoughts brought to mind the scene from Avatar when she blesses the animal that is killed, thanks the animal for its life and praises the animal and its creator.

A common mealtime blessing is to ask for the food to do good to the bodies that eat it, to bless those who prepared it and I now add a thanks to the animal and plants and people who provided the food to be prepared…being mindful of all it took to get food to my table.

Being mindful.

I sat this morning with Bob and Bear – my time of quiet contemplation and prayer. I listened to the rain falling. I enjoyed the companionship of my beloved boys.

I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, but topping the list is the reminder to be mindful: to be mindful of the joy in the moment, to be mindful of all who have a part in the things that bring me joy and sustenance and to be mindful of the Creator who gave me and all those I love, abundant life.