Archive for ‘May 1st, 2012’

May Day Moon

Against all odds.

After a sunny morning, skies turned dark. It rained. It snowed. It was colder at noon than at 7:00 a.m.

But by early evening, the skies cleared again.

May Day Moon.

May Day morning (Pita Pockets!)

The weather forecast, for the forseeable future is showers…with occasional sun breaks. So when the sun breaks, Bear, Bob and I take advantage!

This morning, the sun broke. It was crisp, cool – that beautiful, after a good rain, clean air – with the sun shining over the mountains and through the trees. Bob had his morning out and about and then Bear and it was good!

I love baking in the morning no matter what the weather is like, but when that morning sun is shining in the kitchen, the birds are singing, Bob and Bear are content – it is heavenly to me to mix or roll dough and generally dawdle in the kitchen.

My work was caught up, Bear was lying in the yard, Bob was on his fleece inside – I baked.

Pita bread. FYI – not a tricky thing at all, at all! I use the same dough I like for english muffins, pizza crust, Naan and mini-boules – my own riff on the Portuguese Broa from Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day. To make Pita, roll the dough to about 1/8 inch thick. Heat a pizza stone to 450 (the book says 500, but 450 works for me), put the dough directly on the stone and bake for 5-7 minutes until it puffs and browns slightly. Tough, huh?

May Day morning…breakfast Pita Pockets stuffed with sausage, white beans, scrambled egg, chopped cabbage and cheese – perfect!

Evening bling

Last evening, Bear and I walked the loop as the sun was getting low – about an hour before official sunset: 7:45 ish. Morning or evening, I love to watch the sun through the woods – the light playing with the ground, the woods plants and the trees.

To the East, the tops of the trees in the small valley between foothills – dramatic contrast in the evening sun break after a cloudy, rainy day.

And the topper? Lupins, dressed in raindrops…a little evening bling :) !

***that little scraggly thing to the bottom right? It is a wildflower (weed?) of some sort. They are all over the woods, but I can’t find them in my flower book. They look like miniature bottle brushes that have seen better days. They make me laugh to see them – silly laughing…fun in the woods laughing – so maybe not a “traditionally” beautiful wildflower, but as in all things, beauty in the eye of the beholder and also not always outward appearance …sometimes beauty [for me] is in how whatever or whoever makes me feel. There…my life metaphor of the day :)!