Archive for ‘January 3rd, 2012’

Alpenglo clouds

Last thing I do before shutting down my computer for the night is make a schedule for the next day. It is more wishful thinking than concrete plan but I have a number of hours of work to get in, walks/play/training with Bear, time with Bob…

One thing I try to always do is get outside with Bear about 1/2 hour before sunset for a final daylight time outside.

This evening, we were out about 45 minutes before sunset. It was 45F!!! and sunny. I had more work, but not a lot and who knows, it might decide to be Winter any day now.

Aside from enjoying the mild and sunny weather, Bear and I are trying to get the TAGG pet tracker to work to the best of its abililty and/or get appropriate tech support which requires getting as much info as possible…more on that another time.

All that needs to be known this evening is that we were located in a spot with a clear view of the sky, I had the TAGG positioned on the top of Bear’s neck…had him stay while I fussed with the software.

And meanwhile…

The clouds turned pink, the moon was in view…

And it was just beautiful. Alpenglo clouds.