Scenes from Monday

5:00 a.m. Making morning coffee and Cranberry Orange Walnut bread. It was too early for Bear :)!

We woke to about 6 inches of new snow. This photo is after I cleared the roof of Wild Thing. Can you spot Bear on the dash keeping an eye on things?

The aspens – their white bark, reddish brown branches – beautiful with the evergreens and snow. The road is lined with aspen groves and if the deer are standing quietly, they blend in and you can easily miss seeing them. It is like a Bev Doolittle painting come to life.

The new snow and the calendar put me in a Christmas mood. Saturday afternoon, Mama, Betty and I went to a local Christmas bazaar. I found the carved nativity ornament and the moose & sleigh salt and pepper…perfect for a bit of Christmas on the road. (The moose had a broken antler which Bill fixed for me!)

Miss Dixie Lee and LB after their afternoon walk. They run and chase and play and probably get 10 times the distance out of a walk. They always arrive back first and sit on the hill together…

…waiting for Mama and Barely.

All of us home today…snow to be cleared, work and chores to do. After a gorgeous and productive day we shared the best pizzas! Crust homemade by my Mama – she, Bill and I each topped a crust. Betty prepped. We all ate and enjoyed and debated which we liked best with no consensus reached…all were delicious.

It was a perfect start to the week :)!