Nap day

RVing is hard work…plus, it was -11F (-24C) yesterday morning…chilly!! Just like doing things in high heat, being outside in the very cold zaps energy. Bear did not seem bothered by the super cold except for his feet…we will try some booties or mushers wax when we get home.

Louie reputedly went out for a few seconds and then retired to the sofa with LB. LB…he is the blankie dog. That is his blanket on the sofa and he has another in the dining area that he likes to arrange just so. So funny, each habits and likes :)!

Smarty-pants heard the camera… (actually phone camera for these)

…which didn’t disturb him for long.

This is the first photo I’ve taken of Miss Dixie that has been in focus. At 10 months, she is high energy and usually on the move, but today, even she slowed down after a few outings in the super cold.

Mr. Barely sleeps downstairs until early afternoon so I missed getting his photo. And he is probably the one that enjoys the super cold most. He and Karl – I think both most comfortable with very cold temps :) .