Archive for ‘December, 2011’


The Mission Mountains…entrance to the Flathead Valley.

A beautiful day which started and ended with a foggy overcast but sunshine off and on along the way. Freezing fog last night left all of the trees, bushes, branches and fences with a coat of brilliant white frost.

The road was clear and dry.

Bear recognized our road…

Our road home.

***While I am glad to have the push of driving behind me, it is always a bit of a wrench to face the end of a trip. I really LOVE travelling and living in the motorhome. It was wonderful to be with my family – as much as I missed Montana and my own house, it was so hard to leave. The time seemed to go so fast. We had a wonderful rhythm of sharing time…I know we will do it again and soon but still…

Bear learned so much on this trip and also was a wonderful rv companion. He settled into our travel routine with ease. When I let him out he ran here and there and then back in the motorhome to watch from his dashboard vantage point…so I know he is comfortable in the motorhome. Eventually he stayed out and explored the woods while I unpacked about half…the rest will do as the week progresses.

Bob did not seem that happy to see us but he’s softening…and I imagine a night back in bed with me will be the topper. He was banished off and on from the bedroom for hogging the bed and generally being annoying. I’m used to it and I’m guessing he pushed the limits thinking he might get away with it.

The house was cleaner than I left it and smelled wonderful! Thank you Hailley and Jordan for your care of Bob, the house and the property. I felt confident that all was well and did not have a moment of concern :)!

All in all a trip to remember and cherish.

Missoula…almost home

No photos today…a good driving day, but long and work to be done before heading for home after a morning work meeting.

RV notes: Winter parks open between Billings and Bozeman…next winter trip, Billings is not the only option:

Big Timber
Other small parks

Back in Montana: Billings

Travelling down the road…

… back in Montana.

Billings, Montana.

I am enjoying every single moment of this trip from start to finish.

Tonight, Billings, Montana. It is good to be here. I am still sad to be away from my mother and family. I know that it will be good to be home. I also know that it will be a little sad to not be living in Wild Thing. Transitions.

I am so grateful for this trip…for the good weather, for the easy and pleasant driving, for Bear’s progress and his companionship, for my family, for Hailley at my home with Bob, for my work and my work partners. This trip – it has made be even more aware of all the good things in my life.

Onward :)! Tomorrow’s plan is to Missoula, but tonight is enjoying Billings, Montana at Yellowstone River Campground.

Back to Ft. Caspar

Left Fountain, CO, just south of Colorado Springs at 7:45 a.m. – arrived Ft. Caspar, Casper, WY at 3:45 p.m. It was a good driving day with dry roads and just one spot by Cheyenne, WY with strong wind.

Bear and I walked the river walk at sunset.

The E-470 tollway around Denver makes Denver easy. I stopped at the Ft. Collins, CO welcome center for lunch and a long walk with Bear. Two fuel stops and 2 other walks at rest stops…a good and easy day driving the most miles in a day that I will for the return.

We have an easy day tomorrow to Billings, MT!

***notes about today: heavy smog from Pueblo to Denver, Chugwater: pricey fuel but easy access, Douglas KOA is open year round.

Parting shots

We gathered this morning to take photos before I left.

The last times we have visited we neglected to get photos of us… From the day I arrived, we said we needed to remember to get photos of us!


Bill and his Mother, Betty.

Mama, me and Dixie :)!

My folks, LB and Dixie, the gorgeous stone work around the main level woodstove and the beautiful paintings.

Parting shots.

A hard leaving. A going through the motions and heading down the road.

It was a clear, sunny day. The mountains were spectacular. The driving was easy. Snow around Del Norte and Monte Vista and frosted trees.

I ended early just south of Colorado Springs.

Bear and I slipped back into travel mode but I miss being with family. I miss the routine that felt so loving and warm and comfortable. I miss all of that as I enjoy the travel…as I look forward to each day on the road and as I look forward to being at my own home.

The moon tonight.

Parting shots.

Last evening, South Fork

From the front deck…the southern end of the front range…not sure that is correct but the mountains are magnificent.

This evening, even from a great distance, the rugged peaks stood against a picture perfect sky like a still life.

And then the waxing moon, shining through the bare branches of a front yard aspen against the sunset hues…a perfectly beautiful evening to cap a perfectly beautiful time with family.

Bear and I will point Wild Thing east and then north tomorrow mid-morning…headed for home.