Back to Ft. Caspar

Left Fountain, CO, just south of Colorado Springs at 7:45 a.m. – arrived Ft. Caspar, Casper, WY at 3:45 p.m. It was a good driving day with dry roads and just one spot by Cheyenne, WY with strong wind.

Bear and I walked the river walk at sunset.

The E-470 tollway around Denver makes Denver easy. I stopped at the Ft. Collins, CO welcome center for lunch and a long walk with Bear. Two fuel stops and 2 other walks at rest stops…a good and easy day driving the most miles in a day that I will for the return.

We have an easy day tomorrow to Billings, MT!

***notes about today: heavy smog from Pueblo to Denver, Chugwater: pricey fuel but easy access, Douglas KOA is open year round.