More Polson

A beautiful morning.

Father, daughter and dog enjoying. We met briefly yesterday. Mom is along also but this morning Dad and daughter walked the collie, Carlie. I think they are all having a grand time.

It was such a beautiful morning and I am so enjoying the lake view AND a few things I forgot at the grocery so we stayed – there is a wonderful Safeway here.

Above is the view from the Safeway parking lot. When I first came through Polson, it was not long after I moved to the Flathead Valley from Los Angeles. There is a MacDonald’s here that has an even better view. It was astonishing, coming from L.A. where a view like this would command $Millions.

Looking from Polson, northwest towards where the RV park is located.

Polson is on the south end of Flathead Lake and the southern end of the Flathead Valley. Polson’s position on the lake often leads to warmer and milder weather than around and north of the lake. Although there are some condo and housing developments on the lake, there are also some wonderful older neighborhoods and a lot of public access as well as a public marina. The main highway stays close to the lake and the majority of the hotels and restaurants are of the diner and motel vintage. I don’t know how long it might stay this way, but I enjoy the mostly low key mix that this area has at the moment.

After our grocery run, I set up the office outside and write this afternoon, From Under the Awning ;) !

I’ve worked a bit, walked a bit and watched the clouds pile up against the mountains, but so far, it is blue sky over the lake and the valley. Karl has enjoyed the nice grass, shade from the just leafed out birch and breeze off the lake. It is 59F currently at 2:00 p.m. – VERY pleasant as far as the crew of Wild Thing is concerned!

Bob retired to his dashboard spot in the sun. Rving is exhausting…

Yes, nose prints and drool marks on the windshield. I am one rvr who spends as much time washing the inside of the windshield as I do washing bugs off the outside!