
I’m glad I went and I’m glad I decided to come home. A few things not done at the house with the impromptu take off, some minor motorhome things and the final decider being the weather due to deteriorate. Since I was only 50 miles from home, after much dithering, I decided to return and take care of all from home base.

It was a wonderful weekend in a beautiful spot with beautiful weather. I am refreshed.

Maybe Karl and Bob picked up on a little bit of my disappointment at cutting things short. Neither wanted out when we got home. Usually they both want out whenever I stop and when I open the door to home they are out and about immediately checking out their territory. Today, they delayed and then after getting out, got back in again while I was unloading a few things and cleaning up.

Funny boys! I assured them we would roll again.

A surprise on the way home – the cherry trees were in bloom. The east shore of Flathead Lake is home to many cherry orchards. The blossoms were gorgeous against the backdrop of the lake.