This does not count

Every morning, I turn on the outside spotlight hoping to see snow on the ground…

…not exactly what I had in mind. I think it started with a bit of snow, but then changed to sleet and freezing rain.

Not a day to go driving about if you don’t have to and I didn’t have to.

I filled the wood stove and planned a day mostly indoors. Mid-morning, I split a bit of firewood just to do something outside. Karl was with me and started letting me know that he thought a walk was in order.

In addition to the slippery footing, it was misty-foggy – I almost didn’t take a camera, but grabbed my smaller S3 at the last minute and then had some fun trying to get macro ice photos…

Ice on weeds. A bit of operator error still – this little camera is capable of better. Maybe another day.

And then the mist and fog enshrouded mountains, with a bit of blue to add some color, showed themselves on the return.

It might not count for the first snow day, but it was still a beautiful day – in its own way.