Archive for ‘December 8th, 2008’

Know when to fold ’em

“As the situation worsened, the facts changed…. And I will never apologize for changing an approach or strategy when the facts change”
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson

“And I will never apologize for changing an approach or strategy when the facts change”Me either!

Comments are open! And thank you to those that have commented and those that emailed to thank me for opening comments.

I’m in a better place in head and heart these days. Looking forward to winter, which is December 21 Mother Nature! …and we would like a white Christmas so step on it! – please… Oh… weather is not the topic… Well, I did some internal housekeeping – read some of my own posts – if you’re gonna talk the talk, gotta walk the walk – and found my happy place which I wasn’t even aware I’d misplaced.

I will continue to post as often as I have something I want to share – writing or photos or both – that tell a story in my life or something that has inspired or motivated me. I’ll be happy to hear from you either in comments or by email.

Facts changed. approach changed. No apologies. Good lesson for life.

And now, because a post with no photos is generally not done here, gratuituous photos of Bob and Karl – my favorite topic: