Carpe diem!

Carpe diem! – usually translated “Sieze the day” and that’s good for my purposes today.

My mother emailed me on seeing yesterday’s post of my Christmas things and asked me where was the skiing mother rabbit?

I had forgotten her! I usually have her out all winter, not just for Christmas, so she is not stored in my Christmas boxes, but on a shelf with a few treasured dishes that I rotate when the spirit moves me.

She was originally my mother’s, but given to me some time ago.

What I love is that her expression and attire says, “Heck with the housework, I’m going skiing!!!” – and no time to be wasted taking off the apron – strap on the skis and go.

Digging her out of the cupboard and seeing her again was a wonderful reminder. I don’t know the origin and can’t remember where I recently read it but it brought to mind these words which I needed to hear – AND HEED:

You can’t change yesterday. You can ruin today by worrying about tomorrow.

Carpe diem – Sieze the Day!