Archive for ‘November 8th, 2008’

About Bob

Bob has been a part of my family for a little over 7 years. According to the vet’s best approximation, he was about 3 at the time he joined Karl, Gus (another cat) and I, making him 10ish now. Bob came with his name and a few other idiosyncracies… Bob loves bubbles – well, I think he loves bubbles, he likes to pop them.

As many cats do, Bob likes fresh, running water. At the start, he would come running when I ran water in the bathroom sink, hop up and get a drink from the faucet. Then he started going in the bathroom whenever I was in the vicinity and waiting for me to turn on water. One day, I filled the sink for something and as it was filling, he started chittering – that chitter that cats do when they see a bird, squirrel or some other critter that excites them for the hunt. He was chittering at the bubbles and as one came near, he popped it with his nose. As a well trained human, I started filling the sink on demand…

…no more bubbles…

And lest you think this is not a serious interest, the following photos were taken February 6, 2007 and the “bubble water” is snow melt…

On the hunt…

…the elusive ripple and potential bubble!

The weather currently and according to the forecast, for the forseeable future, is looking about like the above minus the snow, i.e. gray, damp, rainy, foggy – not extremely cold or we would be getting snow (preferable!!!) instead of rain. Bob’s new thing on these dampish days is hanging out under the dryer vent if the dryer is running. And for the record, when I took these photos, yesterday, there was a fire going in the woodstove and he can go in and out of the house as he chooses – he chose his spot…
