a Country mile

So, just after I posted about how cold it was here in Ohio, we had the most beautiful “spring-like” weekend with temps in the 60’s and sunshine and I was back in shorts!

Overnight, the grass looks a little greener, there are buds on some of the bushes and LOOK!

Daffodil Buds

Daffodil Buds

Daffodils poking their heads up! And the air feels soft with that hint of warm that feels like spring morning.

Too nice to be inside and considering the amount of food and wine consumed – between friends of many years duration (I am not supposed to say “old” friends…) – anyway, we decided long walks were in order. We have been walking around the “block”.


…I’d like to say a country mile – except it is a country “square mile”. Not that exactly either as part of the “block” winds around and would be more like 5 miles so we cut short the 3rd mile leg and walk back along the railroad tracks.


There is something that feels adventurous about walking on the railroad tracks – like we are being a bit “bad” – breaking some rule…

On the road, we walk in the middle as there is very little traffic – not that many houses and the fields are too wet for the farmers to be working so it is mostly just the two of us.

Barn and Tractor