Archive for ‘April 8th, 2008’

Biscuits 101

Ha! – I’m north of the Mason-Dixon Line by a good ways and I made a wonderful batch of biscuits. (see biscuit failure post)

Ok, I did not make them – I particpated…as in watching, photographing and generally playing the student to my college professor friend as she made them. AND…she gave me the recipe… Being extremely confident and pretty much of the mind that there is not much I can’t do, I feel sure that I’ll be able to duplicate this success. It might be a while before I try so I’m posting this recording of the lesson, just to keep my head in the game!

Biscuit baking lesson

Ready for the oven – they are rising already! …yeah, that’s a bottle AND GLASS of wine sitting there by the biscuits. We don’t do much at the house without wine. We pretty much live by the frig magnet that says “I always cook with wine…sometimes I put it in the food”. I say “pretty much” because in the week I’ve been here, NONE of the wine has gone in the food…

Biscuit baking lesson

Tall, lightly browned – gorgeous!!!

Biscuit baking lesson

The humble instructor.


2 cups sifted flour

3 t baking powder (measure heavy)
½ t salt
5 T shortening
2/3 cup buttermilk

Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Cut in shortening, then add milk and work into soft dough. Knead lightly on floured board, roll to ½ inch thick. Cut and place on baking sheet. Bake at 450 for 12 minutes or until light brown.

Somewhere down the road – literally, I’ll report on my own, unsupervised effort…

Oh! – These were delicious. We had them with creamed chicken over top – yum!