Unforgettable… or “we’ll laugh about this someday”

So, Ibaimo (Bob) commented the other evening that neither of us would forget Mesa Verde, CO – 2007… shortly after Bob arrived, he fell and cracked a rib which stuck him here for a little over a month not able to do much of anything.  I arrived to meet, visit and do some joint touring – only to get so sick that I spent most of my first 5 days quarantined in my own motorhome.   Actually, we have laughed a bit about it already but for my part, I think it will be funnier a few months down the road!  I am feeling a lot better and hopefully well on my way back to 100% – thanks to all who sent “Get Well” wishes.

“I’m Bob And I’m Moving On” (Ibaimo) moved on this morning – mixed feelings on my part- I’m glad he felt well enough to roll to a new place and start exploring, but I will miss a new good friend.   As others in ORS have experienced, spending time with one or several members is always a special time.  Happy Trails and Safe Travel Ibaimo!

Bob pulling out