Archive for ‘June 16th, 2007’

Green River, UT to Mesa Verde NP, CO

Got up at 3 a.m. and it had cooled to 72…opened up – by 5 a.m. it was 69 – now it is 71 on it’s way to close to 100 – supposed to be low 90’s in Mesa Verde.  It is sunny, but hazy. 

We should be rolling by 8:30 latest and with 175 miles on a 2 lane and one gas stop – hope to arrive Mesa Verde 1:30-2:00 latest.  Will be glad to park and sit for a bit… 3-4 days of making miles and I get ready to sit.

Route today: 70 to 191 through Moab – 491 at Monticello into Cortez, CO and then 160 to Mesa Verde.

 Arrived Mesa Verde at 12:30…set up, took Karl for a walk and spent some time visiting with Ibaimo (ORS friend) – Photos later.  Monticello to Cortez is a beautiful drive – things turn much greener approaching and in Colorado. 



