Cathedral Campground – Del Norte, CO

Cathedral Campground is a beautiful, small, Forest Service campground – free to all comers – between South Fork and Del Norte, CO.  A not bad dirt road winds through foothills, meadows of wild flowers, marshy areas ( my folks saw white pelicans here once – migrating through).  The name of the campground comes from the cathedral-type spires of rock that tower over the end of the canyon where the campground is located.  A mountain creek meanders through the campsites bordered by aspens, birch and ponderosa pine – truly a beautiful spot… and on this afternoon we had it all to ourselves:

Cathedral Campground

Alone at my folks favorite spot, we let the dogs loose and they ran, chased, explored… we thought all was well between them.  However,… my boy, Karl, is a bit particular about his “space” and Kiffor is the first dog he’s been with that is bigger than he is… space was encroached on and I think we all thought they would work it out, but not – no blood but always scary and Karl thought he hurt his foot so we had some dramatic whining.  Everyone settled down and they ignored each other after but a bit disappointing as they both like the same chase game and exploring. 

We went on and cooked wonderful Cajun sausage and had our picnic.  Normal afternoon clouds rolled in with a little background thunder, but they moved on and the real storm held off until just after we arrived back at the house.  Mostly, it was one of those idyllic times in a gorgeous setting and a wonderful shared time.