Posts from the ‘woods’ category

Magic woods

I love my woods.

It is not really “my” woods. The woods is within the boundaries considered “my” property, but the woods belong to nature, to God … I am somewhat a caretaker but mostly they have taken care of me, of Karl, of Bob and now of Bear and Auggie.

During Karl’s last months, he and I were out 2-4 times a night. We walked and sometimes Karl just wanted to lie down and I bundled up and lay down near until he was ready to go in.

I have since marveled how comforting those times were, even in the midst of knowing that his time was probably short (my greatest concern) and that the nocturnal hunting creatures were out and about (I really did not think of this at all during those times). The woods and especially the woods at night – that winter and early spring – they were peace to me. I believe to Karl also. It is hard to explain how I embraced those moments of quiet … outside … in the night… in the woods.

This last weekend, two woodsmen: Fred Buck and his nephew Sean, worked in the woods. They took down 6 1/2 standing dead trees, split the wood, cleaned up and also cleared other downfall.

I’ve got firewood!

They felt horrible that they could not stack the whole bit.

The problem was that the motorhome would not start so I could not get it out of the way.

The second day, Fred brought some gadgets and we got her started and moved out of the way so 1 load of splits did get stacked. I made the decision for them to mostly work on getting up downfall as I can’t do that alone. Moving and stacking firewood – I can do that and it is good exercise and I enjoy doing it!

Fred and Sean will be back for a day in October when open burning is allowed. They will burn the slash pile and babysit the first day’s burn … it will burn/smolder for 10-14 days likely based on my previous experience with a large slash pile. But that first day, when the large pile of slash burns hot … I do NOT like to be on my own and will be grateful for experienced woodsmen to supervise. We will do this on a day when surroundings are plenty wet, but still.

Meanwhile, Auggie has a new venue for exploring!

So beautiful!

The area down the “hill” had been a tangle of downed trees.

Now it is clear.

I – they … leave plenty of “stuff”: stumps, and sticks and other kinds of downed debris – for critter homes as well as to decay and feed the woods. It is a balance of removing fuel that could cause the loss of the woods to fire and leaving enough to keep a good balance of life.

I have been fortunate to have the advice of several long time Montana woodsmen.

It was hard to be inside, hearing the saws and the BOOM of trees coming down and the truck…

It was exhausting :) !!!

Before Fred and Sean left, I said to them: “Ok, I know you will probably think me a crazy lady, but… do you think this woods is extra special … like magical in a way?”

And they said: “Yes.”

I don’t remember their exact words after that except that they did not think I was crazy and expressed that it was a joy to work here.

Magic woods.

A Good Morning

The lupins are blooming…

The sun is shining and there is fresh snow on the mountains!

Bear and Auggie keep an eye on things in the woods … Auggie’s eyes are on a squirrel and he abandoned the walk to stay at his observation post.

The lilacs are blooming also – so fragrant and pretty!

Auggie returned shortly, thankfully without a squirrel, but with wet and dirty feet.

A good morning!

More snow

About as soon as I wrote about how nice the snow has been…it warmed up, the snow fell off the trees and brought a lot of branches, needles and sticks down with it.

It got very ugly.

And then it started snowing.

But it was still above freezing.

So, a heavy, wet snow.

Not much fun.

Auggie stayed in and used one of the chairs as his jungle gym.

Bear made his pillow nest and had a nap.

Eventually, we all needed some air so out we went.

Still snowing.

The snow was the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Not the best snow for throwing with the snow thrower. Fortunately, my neighbor came to my rescue for the end of the drive (plow pile up) and around my mailbox.

But the day after, it cooled down and the next day the snow was dry enough to clear with the thrower.

As soon as I got things cleaned up…

It snowed again.

Morning is prime time in my world

Monday we broke a record, heat-wise – the 1948 record of 89 fell to our high of 94. Tuesday we tied a 95F record from 1918.

But mornings are beautiful and cool.

This morning at 6:30 walking in the woods…

57F – wonderful!

Even though it was 95 yesterday (Tuesday), it cooled faster than Monday night and today we only hit 87F – still hot in my book but much more comfortable.

Still hot in Auggie’s book also and he was in and stretched out in the cool sunroom before noon.

Bear stuck even closer to the A/C and was in much earlier.

Mornings are definitely prime time in my world!