Posts from the ‘wildflowers’ category

Out and about this morning

The herbies don’t look to be coming back.

This weekend I may get some starter herbs and get things going on the front porch. It might freeze again and it might snow again but all should be well on the front porch with a helper cover up for a hard freeze warning.

The lilacs…

Mini wood violets…

And the lupins are coming on!!

The rhubarb is close – I might get enough for my favorite rhubarb chutney this weekend. Vidalia onions are in the market and a caramelized onion pizza with a bit of rhubarb chutney just might be on the Memorial weekend menu :) !

Lily of the valley are close to blooming also.

The boys. The wet grass. The TALL wet grass…

Several weeks ago, I was looking at the mower and thinking about how I would start it and not tweak my arm (the right arm with the tennis elbow). My arm is doing much better and I don’t want to set things back. As it happened, Amazon had a lightning deal on a battery mower. No pulling to start it – you push a button.

I didn’t buy on the lightning deal, but it got me thinking and I did some research on the battery mowers. I was in Home Depot looking at them and there was a man looking at the same gas mower I have. I didn’t spend much time thinking…I asked him if he was interested in a 7 years old version. We agreed on price. He picked up the mower that afternoon.

So, I’ve been holding on hoping for another lightning deal. And then last week the vet visits with Bear. I used my mower money for the vet. Oh, darn. I think we’ll enjoy the tall grass!

***In case I’ve never mentioned…I really DISLIKE mowing…I mean really. And I probably only have to mow 8-12 times before things get dry enough that the grass doesn’t need mowing. Mowing wimp – that’s what I am!

Mariposa Lily

I photograph these every year.

I love their pretty shape and delicate color.

They bloom 1 to a stem but the woods is full of them now.

Mariposa Lily.

Back to sunshine

Yesterday started with snow and a temperature of 34F.

But it ended with sunshine and a temperature of 52F.

Mr. Bob had another ear check at the vet. An internist is being consulted as although Bob is certainly improving, the ear is still very messy and obviously we haven’t kicked the infection…or the wobbles. The eardrum has healed, though and I think Bob is hearing a little bit. He is getting around easier, eating and drinking normally and interested in life with Bear and me – AND enjoying the sun when it is out.

The sun that followed the snow also brought the first lupin blooms in the woods. Last year’s lupins were a bit feeble due to the very wet spring. So far, it looks like there will be a bumper crop this year. I love the lupins!

And as I write this, it is Friday morning before a hopefully short work day and a 3 day weekend for which I have no – nada – zilch in the way of “have to do items”. Depending on the weather at any given moment there are bits of things I can do outside and inside or I might just putter in the kitchen or read or snuggle with Bob and Bear.

Happy Friday!

May Day Evening: Spring returns

I must confess that I did not put on shorts nor did I go barefoot yesterday but the day was sunny and warm and the evening was beautiful.

Blue sky, gold from the setting sun and a productive work day had us all out in the yard in the early evening.

Bob has mostly forgiven me for moving his outside bed away from the dryer vent and looks marginally less crabby.

And the first glacier lily…smack dab in the yard near the front porch.

May Day Evening: Spring returns!

It was a dark and stormy night…

…or to be more exact…it IS a dark and stormy night. I write this post with thunder rumbling and getting closer. The sky is dark at 8:00 p.m. an hour and 45 minutes before sunset. My S.A.M.E./NOAA radio has alerted twice for severe thunderstorms.

I cannot help thinking of and missing Karl…knowing this weather would be so upsetting to him.

…Bear, it does not faze. Bear is lying on my bed. The window is open, lightning is flashing and thunder is rumbling and he is calm.

Bob is under the daybed in his room!

It is a dark and stormy Saturday night.

The grass has been mowed. The yard and house and woods grasses glow green – more so against the backdrop of the stormy skies.

But during a time of light…

Mariposa Lily.

The woods has a bumper crop of Mariposa Lily this year.


CRASH, BANG, BOOM and a flash of lighting! The storm approaches. It is raining…harder.

Time to unplug. Happy Saturday evening.