Posts from the ‘Weather’ category

Booties for Bear

As the snow got deeper and deeper, Bear and Auggie made good use of the “no snow” zone next to the house. Above was before Winter Storm: Round 3 dumped another foot or so…

The no snow zone is a bit tunnel-like now. Meanwhile it got colder and when it gets below 15F, Bear starts having trouble with snow flash freezing on his warm feet.

A couple of days after Christmas, we made an emergency dash to the local PetSmart and picked up some booties. We tried booties once before – unsuccessfully. I’ve been using a foot wax called Musher’s Secret and that helped but this year it was not enough.

The booties were easy to put on but the rubber pad at the bottom didn’t really stay under Bear’s foot. It flopped around and that made things more difficult.

I recently bought myself some extra thick LLBean boot socks and having dashed outside in just socks and my feet stayed dry, I got to thinking…

Yes, Bear is wearing LLBean boot socks and they work for him. I cut off the Velcro strap from the PetSmart booties and use that under the cuff to keep the socks up.

Right now, we are just doing front feet and getting used to socks. It has warmed up slightly so this is working but if it gets super cold, at least I know we have a solution.

Auggie says the solution is to stay in the house.

Winter Storm: Round 3

This storm was originally advertised for Thursday through Saturday. On Wednesday, I took a quick run into Bigfork for just a few things. Everyone else was doing the same AND it was snowing hard then with what was forecast to be a “trace”, already almost 4 inches.

Then it cleared. And the storm warning moved to Friday through Saturday.

Thursday was snowy but my house was in a wind shadow from the NNE wind. Overnight it warmed up, rained and then dramatically got cold.

NOAA says: “An atmospheric river is colliding with an arctic air mass over western Montana today and tonight. The strong westerly flow associated with the atmospheric river is pushing against the arctic air and stalling the front.

Bottom line: a LOT more snow (10-20 inches more) is forecast before things calm down on Saturday (tomorrow) afternoon.

Even though Bear can’t run through the deep snow like he used to, he’s got his snow legs now and is using the paths I tromp down.

And he enjoys just lying in the snow and eating it ??? Auggie is more of an inside guy this winter, but he runs out for a quick explore and then right back inside.

Winter Storm: Round 3

Nov 1: srsly ??!!??

Much as I was happy to see Summer 2017 end, it is still a bit disconcerting to see November 1.


Did we have Fall?

We did have some Fall and it was gorgeous.

And maybe we will have some more as technically, Winter does not begin until December 21.


Yes, we had a very snowy November 1.


There is a WINTER STORM WARNING!!! for November 2 at 6:00 a.m. until November 3 at 12:00 p.m.

Currently 5-9 inches of snow is forecast for that storm warning timeframe.


Bring it.

T.G.I.F. – Thank Goodness It’s Fall

It’s also Friday but on this Friday, I am mostly thankful that it is Fall … as of 2:02 p.m. MDT – the Autumnal Equinox – official Fall (Autumn).

Hoo … I say HOO-RAH!!!

When last we left our story, the air was clearer and it was cooler. It did not get HOT again but on the day before the forecast “PATTERN CHANGE”, the smoke came down with a vengeance. It was the absolute worst in a summer of really bad smoke. If the cold front and subsequent rain had not been in the forecast I might have been tempted to curl up in a ball and weep. As it was, I just kept saying “Tomorrow will be better”.

And it was.

The front came through with rain and snow and cool.

We had a bit of smoke in the days following, but nothing like the extreme conditions of late August/early September.

That first day…

I put away the air conditioners … all THREE! My two new ones came with handy covers complete with pouches for the remotes. I followed the manual instructions: drained, cleaned filters and ran fan only to dry out their insides. Then covers and into closets. I will pretend that they do not exist and will never be needed again. BUT, as noted previously, I am so grateful that I was able to get them and that they kept Bear, Auggie and me comfortable.

And while I’m being grateful …

Vegetables from Lower Valley Farm continue to be wonderful, varied and a pleasure to have and enjoy.

Week 18: radishes, lettuce mix, kohlrabi, carrots, cucumber, onion, shallots, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, bell pepper, zucchini, patty pan and parsley.

And so, we went from hot and smoky to cool and…

Graupel. Actually a Graupel Thunderstorm. It thundered, it lightning-ed, it graupel-ed. It POURED graupel!

And while it was doing that, UPS delivered my new little freezer:

That’s it under the table… the table that was to be the craft table that became the cat eating table that is now sort of an extension of the kitchen as it is home to the ice cream maker, the coffee pot (drip option for when a button push is preferred to a pour over) and the microwave.

The little freezer.

I’d filled my regular freezer and also the motorhome freezer with things from my CSA boxes and Farmer’s Market. It is the time of year when I start stocking up frig/freezer/pantry so that if driving is bad I do not NEED to go out and about for food. Enter this little freezer which fits under the table and gives me a bit of extra.

For extras like:

Week 19 of 21: Fingerling potatoes, tomatoes, baby arugula, garlic, red onions, cucumber, basil, zucchini, eggplant, delicata squash, red beets!

I continue to freeze or ferment anything I don’t eat during the week.

And on the way to pick up week 19:

It was a perfect Fall day and the barn was the perfect thing to set off the sky, the snow topped mountains and the clear air.

And now we are to today.

As Fall officially arrived…

Auggie started using the shelf above the dryer as his preferred napping spot.

Bear has become like his younger self, shedding the lethargy of the hot, smoky summer.

Peek-a-boo snow on the mountains to the East as we took our evening walk.

Sunset through the woods to our West.

T.G.I.F. Thank Goodness It’s Fall!

Oh happy day: clear (er) air

Clear air, Auggie!!

Happy Dance!

Happy Happy Dance for a clear, cool morning after a long run of hot and smoky.

The morning walk was a huge pleasure for all of us, after Bear and I just endured being out this past week.

There is still some smoky haze, but the mountains are visible.

The sun is at that angle that creates a beautiful light and says Fall is on its way.

Home sweet home with a bit of sunshine and blue sky!

A good walk.

Oh happy day!