Posts from the ‘Snippets of Life’ category

Snowy day

Last evening, shortly after I wrote that the wind was howling and it was snowing heavily…it stopped. Bear and I were out for our last outing about 8:45. It was still and clear with starlight to see by. No new snow overnight but it has been snowing all this Wednesday – lightly. I don’t think there is yet an inch of snow on the ground.

A really nice day

Just like that, it feels like we’ve turned the corner into Fall. It is wonderfully cool in the morning – almost chilly. The light is just that much different as to seem not really Summer.

Fresh oatmeal bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, green grass and trees and the morning light…

Bob just enjoying the afternoon…

Bear enjoying an extra treat after an afternoon walk – on the long line only! He knows he is not on a leash. He is staying close to me, often looking to check where I am. Today for the first time on the long line there were deer. He did NOT chase and did not even bark. He watched for a bit and then turned away. Completely different behavior than on the leash. I am thrilled with how things are going right now. My hope is that as I can give him more freedom, he will enjoy it while staying with me and continue to respond as he is to boundary commands: this way, far enough, leave it. I am so proud of him!

We came in, had a quick game of chase the stuffed bone, a stomach rub and the extra treat.

It was a really nice day!