Go Joe!

I am … well, I was leaning Republican until 2016.

Mostly, I believe in “Democrat” values, but the fiscal conservatism and hands off government of “Republicans”

I believe that we should all work together, to find compromise to work for the good of all which might mean we do not get all we individually want.

I am appalled by the administration 2016-2020 and also by the events of 1/6/2021.

I believe that President Joe Biden tried to avoid a divisive and confrontational stance, but it became unavoidable.

I watched and listened to the speech. If you are a U.S. Citizen, I believe it is worth 24:53 minutes of your time.

I dearly hope that we remain the United States of America.

Go Joe and all of our current government … for the people and by the people … I pray.