Archive for ‘January, 2017’

Moon and Memory

I have a long time love affair with the moon.

My mother tells of me asking “Did you see the moon last night ?” And this was when I was 3 or 4 and knew where the hands of the clock were, but could not “say” the time. She recounts that I said the little hand was on the 2 and the big hand on the 3, i.e. 2:15 a.m. – or in that neighborhood of middle of the night. I apparently got up and looked at the sky.

I still do.

Often, my dog gets up with me and so we do a walk down the driveway in the wee hours of the morning.

Last night.

It was early evening, not the wee hours.


I love the moon and the stars and the dark, dark sky of the rural area where I live.

I especially love the winter sky and the moonlight and moonshadows when there is moonlight and snow.

Last night, as Bear and I took a before bedtime walk down the driveway, with the moon and the snow … it reminded me of a time when Karl and I chased the moon in winter.

Before there were neighbors to my East.

When Karl and I walked the “loop”.

One night, late Winter, full Moon: Karl waited patiently while I captured the moon over the mountains at twilight.

It is one of those times when memory is so distinct. I was new to manual photography and was working with a “point and shoot” and trying so hard to capture the beauty of that moon and the mountains. All the while, I was conscious of where Karl was and that he was waiting for me to continue our evening walk.

It was nearly 10 years ago.

The moon and the memory of Karl with me.


***the photo of Karl was taken on 3/2/2007, about three months before I started this blog.

It is cold

Between the time I took the capture and as I am writing … it has dropped to -8F.

It is cold here.

I have a knee length down coat.

And a scarf.

And Sorel boots.

I can walk outside, wrapped up, and actually comfortable!

The issue, though is on the unwrapping…

The issue is HAT HAIR!!!

As a local colleague noted: “Hat hair….got to be thankful for our first world problems! hah!”


A first world problem.


It is cold.