Warm Wednesday

Srsly…WHAT did the East-Southeast part of the U.S. do to anger the weather gods???

I’d like to know so that we, in the West, do NOT do the same thing.

YIKES. (And good thoughts and prayers for all dealing with the ice and cold and power outages, etc.)


Here, in Northwest, Montana…after a couple of weeks of normal 20’s and then a week of deep freeze below zero overnight and single digits daytime…we suddenly sprang to pre-Spring-like conditions and hit 47F – yup… 47F ABOVE zero!

In February!!!

AND with sunny skies and warm Southwest breezes.

It felt positively balmy … in “all is relative” world :) !

Sunshine and warm temperatures were enjoyed by all.

And later…

The setting sun lit the trees. Dark clouds over the mountains mingled with blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

It was a beautiful and warm Wednesday.