Archive for ‘January, 2014’

Testing, testing

First work week of 2014.

Finally have my Windows 8.1 computer set up with all software…mostly.

This is the first post on the new machine AND with the current Photoshop CC.

CC = Creative Cloud = ???

I haven’t dealt with the several PS plug-ins that I have and so made my little tweaks manually.

Also a new version of my FTP software which is the thing that I use to send the photos to the blog.

AND, I got a new phone, also Windows 8. That has nothing to do with this post except that I’m a little overwhelmed with new stuff this week.

Mostly it went well. I had a little glitch with my email setup on the phone resulting in 1 lost email after a skim at the grocery – sorry Margaret! – but learned some things in the process (IMAP4 NOT Pop3 on Windows Phone!).

So, here goes…a few photos from today – a messy, slushy, 38F, blustery day…with some blue sky and sun by afternoon.

Hot dogs for supper

All over the internet food blogs, folks are eating clean and light and Lord knows what all else they are calling the New Year’s resolutions for good health.

Every year, the same thing…starting with the idea of perfection..

Harummph :) !!

Here at the house of Summers, we take a MUCH more casual approach to a New Year as in we continue on with living our lives, enjoying the simple things and the joy of simple moments…musical beds, etc., etc.!!

And tonight???

Hot dogs for supper! (And French fries and ketchup!!!)

Week End

Saturday: The road home, from the road home, the road home on the other side of the highway where we walked.

Sunday: At home.

Sunday’s high: 15F

Sunday Supper: Black Eyed Pea and Vegetable Barley Soup.

I got my wish

The snow started late afternoon yesterday (Friday), while the temperature was above freezing.

It continued and at a perfect temperature to mix with the icy puddles and make walking normal again.

We went from ugly to pretty and by this morning (Saturday) there was somewhere between 2 and 3 inches of new stuff.

Perfect…not so much that anything except the walk to the garage needs shoveling but enough to make walking around pleasant.

And overnight we had a visitor…

Mr. or Ms. Raccoon, but I think Mr. because of the size.

2 back feet and 1 forefoot print.

The forefoot print is about 4 inches long. Auggie has large feet but his print would barely cover the pad of this raccoon.

If it is the same raccoon that has been around since I’ve lived here, it is LARGE raccoon kind of resembling a small bear cub!

Lots of tracks through the yard, around the garage…

…and all around the house.

Sometimes, wishes come true.


To set the stage:

Thursday and Friday, nearly a constant 37F, but the ground is frozen so melting snow = ICY PUDDLES!

But, outside we must go!

Bear and I stuck to the north side of the property – more snow, less ice.

Tough guy Auggie, he did NOT let a bit of ice or ice water stop him.

Ahoy, there…

The dog is out there.

I am sneaky cat.

I am VERY sneaky cat.

Get ready, DOG!

Yes, well…he is the big brother…

But the chase is the thing :) !!

And then it started to snow.

A good thing.

Hopefully, the snow will combine with the puddles and give the ground a bit of “texture” making this evening and tomorrow’s walking a bit easier.