Farmer’s Market

After a morning perimeter walk, I loaded Bear in the Jeep and we headed to town.

The sun rose above the mountains, and lit the cut hay and wheat fields under low, dark clouds. It was a beautiful drive to town. I pulled over several times to let people in a hurry pass and so I could dawdle a bit and enjoy the light.

I bought myself breakfast, shared a bit with the Bear boy and we headed to the Farmer’s Market.

It is fun to arrive at the opening time with everyone fresh and ready to go. We were there 15 minutes early and people watched from a shaded parking spot until the 9:00 a.m. open.

It is prime time for all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I walked the entire market looking and deciding what and from who to buy.

I bought sunflowers from a booth that had sunflowers of all different sizes as well as displays of colorful flowers for drying – I didn’t know the vendor but something just called to me from this spot vs others with sunflowers.

Cherry tomatoes and zucchini from Swallow Crest Farm, my down the road farmer. Julian and I exchanged neighborly news as I made my selection.

Feta cheese from a Polson, MT cheesemaker. I live near the north end of Flathead Lake. Polson is 35 miles south at the southern end of the lake. I bought directly from Joe and he WAS wearing a Hawaiian shirt!

The honey is from a vendor I’ve bought honey from before. I was the only one at the booth at the time and asked about the yellow jackets. He told me they were bad this year but I could drag nothing more enlightening from him other than to destroy the nests. Oh, well…the honey is wonderful!

The sunflowers will brighten my window until I go back next week – I hope!

Farmer’s Market.