Life experience

It has been 2 1/2 weeks since our last vet visit (Bob and I re Bob’s ear infection).

We went today.

The last round of medication resulted in a slight setback.

We regrouped and will go back to the injectible but slightly risky medication.

Dr. Clark and I jointly had a case of nerves re the injectible but in hindsight we are kicking ourselves as it was kicking the bugs.

The road not taken…

While the ear infection is not life threatening, it was making Bob’s quality of life kind of “sucky” (that’s 40 something Dr. Clark’s words :)!! )

This latest setback is nothing like the worst we saw – (minimal, in fact) but no one wants to go back there so…

Dr. C and I agreed to “suck it up” and go back to the injectible med with a once a week blood test to monitor Bob’s kidney/liver stuff.

Bob has been going on about his normal routine. It is only us humans that are having anxious moments.

Have I learned nothing from past experience???
