Beating the heat, cont’d.

When it is hot, you need to drink plenty of water…

…and stay in the shade…

… tonic water is water, isn’t it ?? And does it count if there is a little gin in it ??

I bought a small bottle of gin several weeks ago as a gin and tonic sounded good, which is funny as I think it was over 10 years ago that I had my last…made for me by my mother when I met my folks in Utah to ski (on snow!). Anyway, my first G&T was very refreshing but a day later, the 2nd had a funny taste. Flat tonic water AND I looked at the label and was surprised to find the Schweppes Tonic water had high fructose corn syrup in it. A google search, some reading of Amazon reviews and I ordered the above Fever Tree sampler. I’m throwing my vote in with most of the Amazon reviewers – I like it! I haven’t compared it to Q Tonic which is the other brand without hfcs but don’t think I need to. The Amazon reviewers who compared voted for the Fever Tree and I really like that it comes in small glass bottles – 1 bottle makes 1 drink so no leftover to go flat.

*** A sad week. The loss of the 19 firefighters is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers for their families, friends and fellow firefighters as well as for families of the firefighters in the midst of western fires. If it is difficult for me, I cannot imagine what it is like for those closer.