New days

It has been 5 months since Bear’s first TPLO surgery.

Three months before that things changed as we tried to resolve his lameness with rest.

And now, in what feels like a sudden change, we are resuming ‘normal’ activity.

I had been keeping the blinds drawn in all but the kitchen and the sliding door in the office so as to keep Bear from being tempted to jump up and see out windows.

This morning I opened everything.

The bedroom had been closed to Bear during the day. Now, it is open.

It feels like we have a new house. And it is larger and brighter!

The day cooperated by being beautiful, sunny and warm. The light, the vivid colors – everything seemed fresh and new.

We spent hours outside today. Bear had his first off leash time in 5 months. He followed me around as I did some yard work and then dug a cool spot in the dirt under a tree when I took a break and sat on the front porch.

All of that fresh air, a little more activity, a long nap and then the light of the late afternoon.

All day, it was different.

The 5 months were good months of healing and working together. It is an incredible bonding experience. I am happy we are at this point. If is surprising how it feels, though. I have been so focused on doing what we needed to do every day to progress that I never thought about what it would be like when we got here.

It is good.

New Days.