Monday’s drama, Tuesday’s sang-froid

Mondays have had a bit of drama lately.

Bear in mind that life here at the family Summers tends towards the quiet and VERY non-eventful, so a “bit of drama”…well, all is relative, Yes?


This week’s Monday drama started between 3 and 4:00 a.m. with a bit of throw up from Mr. Bob.

That is not usually a drama kind of thing except that we are dealing with the ear infection and medications… BUT, it was a one time thing and did not seem like the last week’s throw up thing related to the drug.

As I was cleaning up and watching…Bob was walking kind of funny. He was walking and then kind of stumbling…like he’d had one too many. I put 2 and 2 together: ear infection and stumbling??? – balance issue with inner ear.

This conclusion made me concerned about the steps he negotiates to get to his food.

At 3:30ish a.m. on Monday morning, I dismantled the door/sawhorse arrangement that held Bob’s food, water and “house”/photo light box.

Everything important to Bob on one low level.

We start Monday with a lack of sleep (me!), a wonky sense of balance (Bob!) and a “so what’s up with you guys?” (Bear) – frame of mind.

Emails and phone calls with the vet.

Ultimately all progressing well…ears are draining – GOOD! Short term ramification of the draining is the balance issue and little or no hearing.

Monday evening.

The forecast thunderstorms missed us.

The forecast wind did not!

The rearranging of Bob’s table, lack of sleep = aggravation of my rib stuff.

I hired help for cleanup and various grounds keeping stuff. Not my favorite chore(s) anyway, so oh, Yes!!!


I kept Bob in on Monday. The wobblies, lack of hearing – they seemed like a risk for wandering about outside. But, after the wind, etc., the air was clear, the sun was warm and he wanted out.

I thought some sun would be a good thing but I didn’t want him wandering in the woods when he wasn’t hearing and not 100% footing-wise.

He mostly likes the front porch so we reached a compromise.

Baby monitor that I used with Bear post-op.

Mr. Bob…enjoying the sunshine under the watchful eye of the baby monitor.

From Monday drama to Tuesday sang-froid: Perfect.