Still a lot of lyin’ around going on

Day 3 post op – I am so happy to get beyond the first 48 hours. It is always hard to see a beloved pet not quite themselves.

Bear is still resting plenty but some of the initial bruising and swelling is much better and he seems more comfortable.

Getting the ice treatment after a walk. Walks have been going well. Bear uses the leg lightly which is what is wanted at this point.

Bear wanted to go under the dining room table this afternoon. I finally figured out that he wanted a cool corner like he has in the living room so I moved the table and the corner of the kitchen is a new spot. I tried putting a cushioned mat down, but he moved it. He’s happy so I let him be.

Later, though, back to the foam bed and some watching of his territory.

Bob has been very companionable and sometimes just walks up to Bear, touches noses and kind of looks like he’s asking how things are going.

I’m tired but did a better job this round of clearing my work schedule a bit. That has helped me relax and I guess since I don’t HAVE to get as much work done as usual, I’m getting close to normal. Go figure :) !