Cool August Morning

Kind of an oxymoron, eh??? … cool August Morning…

Thankfully, that is NOT unusual in these parts…in northwest Montana!

A cold front blew through the area last Thursday evening. It was accompanied by a wonderful overnight soak of rain.

The moisture, the rising sun, the cool overnight temperatures = a beautiful, misty morning.

Also, on Thursday evening…a friend picked Huckleberries…and she brought some to me!!!

These huckleberries are truly a gift extraordinairre! This is an hour and a half of picking…not to mention the driving to the picking area and the walking/climbing to the picking spot…AND the fact that the competition for huckleberries is Grizzly Bears!

Fortunately this friend has a bear savvy European Laika … VERY close kin to Karelian Bear Dog. Still…

The berries are absolutely gorgeous. I tried to capture them several ways. Their color is spectacular and varied. The scent is intoxicating. The possiblities for their use…I am considering several…