‘gator dog and pizza on the grill

It is hot.

Well, for a Montanan, it is hot.

And for a Montana Beardog, it is VERY hot.

And a little more humid than is normal. And it makes us yawn…

And then it makes us roll on our back…

A beardog, rolling on his back in the grass…grunting and snorting…

I call him “Alligator Dog”…


It’s an alligator daaawwwgg!

And it feels so good.

‘gator dog


And bringing up the rear of this post…a pizza on the grill that did not make the cut for the “Eating from the garden post”… lunch….some chard mushroom mix…

A hunk of my refigerator dough.

Lunch pizza. On the grill.

*** P.S. I write this post at 8:30ish p.m. I picked up my CSA share earlier…: week 11. It included a pint of RED RASPBERRIES!!! Hoo rah.