Cutting hay on the road home

What a nice week: work 2 days, 1 day off (4th of July, our Independence Day for non-U.S. readers), work 2 days, week end!!

A rainy start but a sunny finish.

A good work week, some yard chores completed, a bit of baking done as we head into a forecast hot spell and I am anticipating not wanting to have the oven on.

At lunchtime, Bear and I went to Bigfork on a quick errand run.

Hay was being cut here, there and everywhere.

As I waited for a car to clear the road, I turned around and took the above photo looking southwest across the valley…

Cutting hay: on the road home.

And a little bit from Bob and Bear… I haven’t done much with video because I don’t know squat about editing it…adding pretty music, or special effects…so prepare to be underwhelmed. This is Bob and Bear and some birdies in the background and that is it :)!