
Sunday evening, the setting sun lit the treetops against the background of storm clouds over the mountains.

Like the contrast of the trees against the sky, so was my weekend.

I spent time outside with Bear and Bob. I watch Bear continue to become more comfortable and at home here and it makes me want to sing and laugh with joy at how far he as come. Bob is currently settled with consistent glucose readings and all signs are that he is feeling well. He and Bear have some interaction and I am hopeful that we might all be together in the not too distant future. I finished raking the yard, filled some driveway potholes, changed the house water filter, started the motorhome and checked water in her batteries, did some work, got groceries, puttered in the kitchen…a good and productive weekend.

But… a friend, with beardogs herself, received some difficult news about one of them. It is heartbreaking for her, for her sweet dog and for her other pets. It is part of life, part of life with pets… that damned c-word. I hate that it robs peace and causes pain. I hate especially that it attacks dear pets who have spent their lives providing love and companionship.

As my weekend trickled merrily along, my thoughts and prayers also went toward my friend and also to all those who have loved ones that are hurting or are hurting themselves.
