Fire on the mountain

Late yesterday (Friday) afternoon I heard a helicopter fly over…sounding not that far overhead. As time progressed, the sound continued. I progressed from thinking Alert (air ambulance) to fire?


Maybe 15 miles from my house – as the helicopter flies.

One helicopter, making a round trip from water to fire every 7-9 minutes I think.

That “bucket” looks so small under the helo. Depending on the lift ability of the helicopter they have buckets from 72 -2600 gallons. I think this fairly small helo carries on the lower end of the range.

But, in the 20 minutes I watched, the smoke lessened.

I heard the ‘copter going back and forth until dark. I am thankful every summer for the men and women who fight wildfires in the West…from helicopters, from airplanes, by parachute and on the ground. They work long hours in heat, in heavy gear and are responsible for saving towns and homes every year.