What about Bob?

Upon arriving home Sunday, I let Bob out of the motorhome first. He had, after all, ridden in the back by himself and it was his “turn”. He kind of shook himself as he walked to the house, got a drink and went inside. Once he was inside checking out his food bowl, I got Bear out and we went for a very brisk, very exciting walk around the property before going in the back door where I put him in the office/sunroom…which has glass doors.

Bob took a look, looked at me and left.

When I was sure Bear was settled, had food and water, I went back to the motorhome to unload those things that don’t stay…and found Bob…

“Are you going to come in the house, Bob?”

“You’ve got to be kidding!! How long is that dog going to be in there?”

“He lives here???”

“…not good news.”

“Tell me again why we need a dog.”

***So…this might take awhile. My plan is that while I am keeping everyone separate, the separation is glass doors or the kennel so everyone has to deal with seeing and hearing everyone else. And I make sure I get plenty of both of their scents on me and we occasionally switch areas so they must be where the other has been. I hope that eventually this works :)!