A very nice day

After several sloppy days, it cleared and got very cold (20F) last night. This past week was a bit tough – the third week of antibiotics for Karl started to catch up with him and he was noticeably uncomfortable at times. We were out twice in the night last night but I’ve learned to relax and let him take care of himself. He would walk a bit and then rest and seemed to get comfort from lying in the snow. I was dressed warmly, the moon was out early and then a million stars so I rested also, usually finding a stump near him or sometimes just lying in the snow myself – watching the stars, listening to the occasional gust of wind in the trees.

The clear night skies continued through morning and the day. Karl and I headed for town early.

I reminded myself to enjoy the day – that I was doing everything I could for Karl and that I needed to trust in that and his ultimate care in my Heavenly Father’s hands.

I love this barn and the view of it with the backdrop of mountains. There were no other cars. I stopped. I rolled down the windows. Karl watched. I enjoyed taking some photos.

There is a road behind the area where I shop that is a favorite walking spot. It looks like there is a plan for a subdivision someday but at the moment, it ends abruptly in the middle of a field. There are no houses and the only other cars are the occasional other people with dogs. We drive to the end, walk a few paths into the fields and have yet to share it with anyone else.

In the middle of the photo, through the “V”, those squared off peaks – those are mountain tops in Glacier National Park.

Karl and I had a good time just meandering and enjoying the sunshine. The temperature was still below freezing. The snow was crunchy and hard enough that neither of us broke through making the walking easy.

Shopping completed, we headed for home with another quick walk in Somers on our way. At home, Karl meandered in the yard while I unloaded and then came in willingly for a bit of lunch. After lunch he lay down in the sunroom and I thought: “What a good idea!” but decided on my bed instead of the floor. Bob joined me at some point as he was snuggled against me when I woke up two hours later – refreshed! Karl got up with me, we went outside and had the first nearly normal walk around the property since early in the week.

He has been relaxing comfortably in the yard all afternoon. I enjoyed the emerging yard with him. Bob was out and about. It was a very nice day.

***Thank you – with all my heart – to all those who are holding us in prayer.