What Karl likes

In response to my Peace post, Margaret commented: “Beautiful white snow! Does Karl just like sitting out in it?”

He does, actually.

If you’ve ever felt a northern breed dog, you would understand completely.

Karl has an undercoat of thick gray fur that I believe rivals the most dense down comforter. His topcoat is thick and so silky that one shake sends snow or rain flying. No moisture from snow or rain penetrates the top layer. In the Summer when I try to cool him off with the hose, I have to work to get cool water through both coats and to his skin.

The dual coats of the northern breeds are reputed to be good to 40 below zero. Thankfully, we have not had to put that to the test!

Karl’s first choice, in the daytime, is to be outside. I accomodate as much as possible, but sometimes I need for him to be inside.

And sometimes, when I insist on inside and he’d rather be outside…

…he chooses a chair.

Or sometimes the sunroom rug.

Oh boy!

Bob has his spots…

This is one spot unused by everyone…

What Karl likes.