Archive for ‘February, 2011’

Homemade English Muffins and stuff to go with them

Yesterday, Pioneer Woman’s Tasty Kitchen had a feature post: homemade English muffins.

Aside from making me want an english muffin right then and there, it made me want to make my own. I read through the recipe. I really didn’t have time…still catching up from last week’s computer adventures. But I did have some of the Portuguese Broa dough in the refrigerator. ( the bread I’ve been making)

Last night I tried an experiment with one little bit of dough. It was successful, so this morning I made 3:

I used a plum sized bit of dough squashed into a flat circle. Mason jar lid rings were my muffin molds.*** That is cornmeal on the board underneath them. I let the dough rise in the rings for about an hour while Karl and I had our walk, I had my first cup of coffee and did usual morning stuff. I preheated my skillet slightly more than medium hot and then plunked the rounds in the hot pan – about 5 minutes each side. I let them cool about 5 minutes on a wire rack, then split them open with a fork…

….nooks and crannies!!

Toasted, with orange marmalade made by me in my very own kitchen just before Christmas – Breakfast!

And again for lunch with Spicy Tuscan soup, another Tasty Kitchen recipe.

The eatin’ is good in the little house in the woods!

***I’ve since made muffins without “forms”. And I’ve made various sizes. I’ve also decreased the rise time as they “rise” on the skillet while cooking. So my current procedure is to take a piece of dough the size I want, squash it into a flat circle, let it rise about 15 minutes on some cornmeal and then grill it on a hot cast iron skillet. For me it is working out to about 5 minutes per side.