Adventures with Christmas cookies

I had some fun yesterday! Two recipes I’ve not made before…

The little cookies are Sparkling Ginger Chip Cookies from 101 Cookbooks via a link on Paper Route Designs. Very gingery molasses with cocoa chunks rolled in turbinado sugar – little cookies with a big taste…an adult taste – not sure the kiddos would go for the ginger.

The cannoli looking things are Brandy Snaps from Pioneer Woman’s Tasty Kitchen. These were so much fun to make and not just because there was brandy involved :)!

The fun was both the ease and the transformation…

From caramel like glops…

To bubbly glops…

To cannoli-like shells! Pioneer Woman did a step-by-step on her site (Brandy Snaps Step-by-Step), but I’d never made anything like these so there is that sense of cooking adventure in trying something new and wondering if it will all end up a goopy mess that necessitates throwing away pans and spatulas and wooden spoons…

It did NOT :) !!! – Adventures with Christmas Cookies.