The Stories

This photo, taken this evening (9/27) at 7:00 p.m. tells several stories…

It was warm enough for shorts – 71F at 7:00 p.m., 25 minutes from sunset. Fall light, summer temps.

The motorhome is parked. We are not in it and are not travelling.

Karl and Bob are happy and relaxed. All is well in our world :)!

Karl is doing well. We made a second try to use the medication that is preferred, but things started downhill again – I recognized the signs and stopped. We are on the medication that he tolerates well, that keeps him comfortable and allows him to do all that he loves to do. AND, I am supplementing that with some homeopathic nutritional things that work with the medication. And most important – everyone’s prayers and support – Thank you all!

I didn’t take the trip I planned as the timing was difficult – not just for how Karl was feeling at the time, but work and $$…my Blue Cross will not cover Karl’s medication or vet bills…can you believe it??? :)! But, the good news is that it has been so beautiful here and we are all comfortable and enjoying a gorgeous Autumn.

Dear friends, blog readers, veteran visitors to the front porch, Sandy and Jerry, from North Carolina, are, as I write, in MY time zone. They travel as I do – not much in the way of planning -so depending on how they proceed, Karl, Bob and I will wait here or meet them somewhere in the motorhome. And if we wait here, then, I still hope to get out and about – even if very close to home – for a bit of an rv adventure.

That’s it – from the photo….the stories.