Battle Stations!


Karl is on the job…

There is no sick leave at Beardog Consulting… When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

We are at battle stations!

Karl is protector of house, home and property as usual. Last evening, we started the medication that I believe gives him comfort without adverse effect. He wagged his tail last night! It does not have its curl back, but it wags – VICTORY!

For my part, I visualize my own army of warriors – angelic knights – standing at the ready around us and this house -with swords raised – keeping fear, worry and all that is not Joyful at bay. If something sneaks through, I yell at my army, fling forth my arms in wizardly power and command that the intruder be turned away!…dramatic maybe, but the visualization works :)!

The foe (and squirrel!) must be vanquished!!

Bob’s comment on the proceedings is not printable…

**All photos taken this morning (9/8/2010) – Karl rolls with the ebb and flow of his energy – I’m learning to do the same.

Thank you…more than words can say for your comments and prayers.