A favorite spot for a Sunday.

Another favorite spot…I love the barn and the silos, the lake, mountains and clouds in the background, the fence and grass in the foreground. It is a favorite view – made favorite first by a day last winter when the entire scene was frosty.

Today, Sunday, September 6, 2009 in the year of our Lord, it was beautiful as always.

This day has seen clouds, sunshine, cool, nearly hot and at the moment it is beautifully blustery and cool. I am in my sunroom – office with all of the windows and doors in this little house wide open. It is 63 outside and close to that inside. I am comfortable. Karl and Bob are napping near. The wind is whistling its low, dull, comforting whoosh through the pines.

A favorite spot for a Sunday.

Photo taken on Somers Rd. near Somers, MT on 9/6/2009.