…it started out with a bang

July 4th, 2009…not fireworks, just excitement…

Sometime just before 7:00 a.m. on the 4th, Karl started barking, Bob came roaring inside…

I tore outside, stopping only long enough to grab my can of pepper spray.

Karl was doing his “woo-woo-woo” something up a tree kind of noise. As I rounded the motorhome I saw Karl and the coyote. The coyote looked so small that my initial thought was “young” coyote.

They were squared off.

As I came into view, the coyote looked at me, turned and took off to the East – our loop walk. Karl moved a bit toward, keeping up the “woo-woo-woo” and then, somewhat spastically, nose to the ground, alternatively barking, sniffing – following the scent around the area, but not giving chase.

I let Karl do as he needed. He was all over the scent, stopping occasionally to look East and bark.

Time to keep watch…


Bob was watching also…with the occasional low growl.

July 4th, 2009. It started out with a bang.