Dazed and confused…a little bit

One minute Bob, Karl and I are at home in “Wild Thing”, rolling around the countryside seeing new things, working, walking in new places…establishing routine wherever we are parked. We all slip into the “rv” routine with ease and change from a pattern of living in our quiet, somewhat isolated spot to living right next to others. And the others sometimes change from one day to the next, sometimes stay for awhile or we stay for awhile.

We walk, Bob and Karl go in and out, I work, I cook meals, I take photos, I write – same as at the stationary house.

And then one day we are back.

Wild Thing is parked in her spot. She’s cleaned up and put to rights.

The grass in the yard and the woods has grown a foot, the front porch was draped with spider webs making the house look like the Adams Family had just vacated. But the porch is now clear and in a day or so the yard will be mowed and trimmed, some flower baskets will be procured and the house will look like it always looks in Summer.

For me, coming back is always a bit disconcerting. As I get closer to home I start thinking about the house and its rooms and its general comforts. Coming in the driveway I am relieved to have the driving done, glad to be home, looking forward to getting settled and rested.

The house always looks so “home” when I walk in.

But this first day home is also a bit of a shock in the suddeness of the return to quiet, solitude and the home routine. I really don’t know why the return has an unsettled feel to it. Every trip I think that it won’t happen this time because I’ve done this a few times before and now I know.

But today and I am a little bit dazed and confused.

Not Bob. He is making up for lost outside time by spending most of his time outside…lying in the tall grass.

A bit of digression. I received several emails and a comment about being careful with the wasp removal. Ha! … I am an experienced wasp remover-killer…Please try not to hurt yourself laughing:

Part 1: Mad as a Hornet

Part 2: Taking Back the Front Porch

***A word of warning regarding this last in the series – to Buck and any other beer lovers…I used cheap beer, the kind no self-respecting beer lover would drink.
Part 3: More Wasps