More critters

Karl… Karl went to the “dentist” on Tuesday. As they (vet) do the cleaning with the pet under anesthetic, Karl had a few more things “done”…a small cyst removed from his eyelid, x-rays to check his hips and 4 year old TPLO surgery (Tibia Plateau Leveling Osteotomy – the current procedure to “fix” a torn ACL in large dogs which involves taking the leg apart, changing the angle of the tibia and putting it back together – yeah, yuck – but it did the trick!). All was well with everything but they shaved his eyelid to remove the cyst so he looks like he was on the wrong end of a punch in the face…

Yesterday, which was also gray, rainy, dreary – Karl spent most of the day sleeping off the remains of the anesthetic, but today looks to be 100% himself – discounting the goofy eye look…

What’s up with Bob???

here’s what…
