A summer of blue and green

This spring was full of sky blue and grass green and this summer it continues. There have been no fires close as yet and very little real heat. Although a mini-heat wave of 3 days above 90 is forecast for this week, we have maybe had 3 days all summer where the temperature went above 90. Mostly it has been a very pleasant mid to upper 80’s during the day and 50’s overnight – theoretically our seasonal norm.

The heavy winter snow pack gave the mountains a good drink as they have remained green above the tree line…a good sign I hope as we head into the worst time for wildfire starts. The cool nights and moderate days have kept the skies that clear shade of sky blue that provides for a beautiful background for the fluffy clouds that build up afternoons as well as the green of the mountains.

I caught a bit of the blue and green yesterday morning when Karl and I walked. We’ll be away from this path after today as our neighbors are to arrive this afternoon and we will be off the ridge path until they leave in a week or two…

This summer of blue and green and moderate temperatures, a bit of rain, soft breezy days … it is a summer to enjoy and remember.