Things in the woods

There are all kinds of interesting things in the woods…my 8 acres of woods as well as the woods at the park on Flathead Lake where Karl and I walk…

In the Woods

Bob is in the woods…

In the Woods

…and Karl

In the Woods

…and lupins. You’ll have to take my word that there are a bunch of lupins along the path.

In the Woods

In the Woods

See…lupins, really! In my 8 acres of woods…

In the Woods

And in the park by Flathead Lake where Karl and I walked yesterday morning…and they as well as the other wildflowers are a bit ahead of the things in my woods.

In the Woods

Lupins in the woods.

In the Woods

Deer in the woods – LOTS and LOTS of deer…but for as many as there are and as often as I see them, I still love seeing them. I am always awed by their grace and the power they have to bound over obstacles…except for cars. They seem to have some sort of deer dyslexia when it comes to moving objects. I had one run into my car from behind as I was going about 25 mph. That is a different story -YIKES! Karl and I startled the deer above and she lept up the cliff-like slope above the trail and then obligingly struck a pose long enough for me to get this photo.

Bob, Karl, lupins, deer, trees, sunlight, mountain and lake vistas…just a few of the things in the woods.